••• गणेशभुजंगम् •►►►
लसत्तुन्दिलाङ्गोपरिव्यालहारं गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥१॥
ध्वनिध्वंसवीणालयोल्लासिवक्त्रंस्फुरच्छुण्डदण्डोल्लसद्बीजपूरम ् ।
गलद्दर्पसौगन्ध्यलोलालिमालं गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥२॥
प्रकाशज्जपारक्तरन्तप्रसून- प्रवालप्रभातारुणज्योतिरेकम् ।
प्रलम्बोदरं वक्रतुण्डैकदन्तं गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥३॥
विचित्रस्फुरद्रत्नमालाकिरीटं किरीटोल्लसच्चन्द्ररेखाविभूषम् ।
विभूषैकभूशं भवध्वंसहेतुं गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥४॥
उदञ्चद्भुजावल्लरीदृश्यमूलो- च्चलद्भ्रूलताविभ्रमभ्राजदक्षम्।
मरुत्सुन्दरीचामरैः सेव्यमानं गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥५॥
स्फुरन्निष्ठुरालोलपिङ्गाक्षितारं कृपाकोमलोदारलीलावतारम् ।
कलाबिन्दुगं गीयते योगिवर्यै- र्गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥६॥
यमेकाक्षरं निर्मलं निर्विकल्पं गुणातीतमानन्दमाकारशून्यम् ।
परं परमोंकारमान्मायगर्भं । वदन्ति प्रगल्भं पुराणं तमीडे ॥७॥
चिदानन्दसान्द्राय शान्ताय तुभ्यं नमो विश्वकर्त्रे च हर्त्रे च तुभ्यम् ।
नमोऽनन्तलीलाय कैवल्यभासे नमो विश्वबीज प्रसीदेशसूनो ॥८॥
इमं सुस्तवं प्रातरुत्थाय भक्त्या पठेद्यस्तु मर्त्यो लभेत्सर्वकामान् ।
गणेशप्रसादेन सिध्यन्ति वाचो गणेशे विभौ दुर्लभं किं प्रसन्ने ॥९॥12 Names of Lord Ganesha Here are the 12 main names of Lord Ganesh 1.Sumukha : "The very graceful Lord" 2.Ekadanta : "The Lord who has only one tusk" 3.Kapila : "The Lord of a tawny color" 4.Gajakarna : "The Lord with elephant ears" 5.Lambodara : "The Lord with a prominent belly" 6.Vikata : "The Misshapen" 7.Vighnanâsaka : "The Lord destroyer of obstacles" 8.Ganâdhipa : "The Lord Protector of the Gana" 9.Dhûmraketu : "The Lord of a smoky color" with two arms riding on a blue horse, Ruler of the Kali Yuga 10.Ganâdhyaksha : "The Minister of the Gana" 11.Bhâlachandra : "The Lord who wears the moon crescent on his head" 12.Gajânana : "The Lord with an elephant face".By: Lord Ganesha
•►Three Records of Lord Ganesha •► 1. World’s Smallest Ganesh Idol •► 2. Mulund rangoli artist sets Guinness record •► 3. Rice grain Ganesha seeks to enter world records •►
By: Lord GaneshaPhotos: 3
♣ Lord Ganesha emerging from Vegetables •► 1. Lord Ganesha emerging from Capsicum •► 2. Lord Ganesha in Tomato •► 3. Lord Ganesha emerging from potato •►
By: Lord GaneshaPhotos: 3
••• श्री सिद्धिविनायक स्तोत्रम् •••
जयोऽस्तु ते गणपते देहि मे विपुलां मतिम्।
स्तवनम् ते सदा कर्तुं स्फूर्ति यच्छममानिशम् ॥ १ ॥
प्रभुं मंगलमूर्तिं त्वां चन्द्रेन्द्रावपि ध्यायतः।
यजतस्त्वां विष्णुशिवौ ध्यायतश्चाव्ययं सदा ॥ २ ॥
विनायकं च प्राहुस्त्वां गजास्यं शुभदायकं।
त्वन्नाम्ना विलयं यान्ति दोषाः कलिमलान्तक ॥ ३ ॥
त्वत्पदाब्जांकितश्चाहं नमामि चरणौ तव।
देवेशस्त्वं चैकदन्तो मद्विज्ञप्तिं शृणु प्रभो ॥ ४ ॥
कुरु त्वं मयि वात्सल्यं रक्ष मां सकलानिव।
विघ्नेभ्यो रक्ष मां नित्यं कुरु मे चाखिलाः क्रियाः ॥ ५ ॥
गौरिसुतस्त्वं गणेशः शॄणु विज्ञापनं मम।
त्वत्पादयोरनन्यार्थी याचे सर्वार्थ रक्षणम् ॥ ६ ॥
त्वमेव माता च पिता देवस्त्वं च ममाव्ययः।
अनाथनाथस्त्वं देहि विभो मे वांछितं फलम् ॥ ७ ॥
लंबोदरस्वम् गजास्यो विभुः सिद्धिविनायकः।
हेरंबः शिवपुत्रस्त्वं विघ्नेशोऽनाथबांधवः ॥ ८ ॥
नागाननो भक्तपालो वरदस्त्वं दयां कुरु।
सिंदूरवर्णः परशुहस्तस्त्वं विघ्ननाशकः ॥ ९ ॥
विश्वास्यं मंगलाधीशं विघ्नेशं परशूधरं।
दुरितारिं दीनबन्धूं सर्वेशं त्वां जना जगुः ॥ १० ॥
नमामि विघ्नहर्तारं वन्दे श्रीप्रमथाधिपं।
नमामि एकदन्तं च दीनबन्धू नमाम्यहम् ॥ ११ ॥
नमनं शंभुतनयं नमनं करुणालयं।
नमस्तेऽस्तु गणेशाय स्वामिने च नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ १२ ॥
नमोऽस्तु देवराजाय वन्दे गौरीसुतं पुनः।
नमामि चरणौ भक्त्या भालचन्द्रगणेशयोः ॥ १३॥
नैवास्त्याशा च मच्चित्ते त्वद्भक्तेस्तवनस्यच।
भवेत्येव तु मच्चित्ते ह्याशा च तव दर्शने ॥ १४ ॥
अज्ञानश्चैव मूढोऽहं ध्यायामि चरणौ तव।
दर्शनं देहि मे शीघ्रं जगदीश कृपां कुरु ॥ १५ ॥
बालकश्चाहमल्पज्ञः सर्वेषामसि चेश्वरः।
पालकः सर्वभक्तानां भवसि त्वं गजानन ॥ १६ ॥
दरिद्रोऽहं भाग्यहीनः मच्चित्तं तेऽस्तु पादयोः।
शरण्यं मामनन्यं ते कृपालो देहि दर्शनम् ॥ १७ ॥
इदं गणपतेस्तोत्रं यः पठेत्सुसमाहितः।
गणेशकृपया ज्ञानसिध्धिं स लभते धनं ॥ १८ ॥
पठेद्यः सिद्धिदं स्तोत्रं देवं संपूज्य भक्तिमान्।
कदापि बाध्यते भूतप्रेतादीनां न पीडया ॥ १९ ॥
पठित्वा स्तौति यः स्तोत्रमिदं सिद्धिविनायकं।
षण्मासैः सिद्धिमाप्नोति न भवेदनृतं वचः गणेशचरणौ नत्वा ब्रूते भक्तो दिवाकरः ॥ २० ॥
इति श्री सिद्धिविनायक स्तोत्रम् ।12 Names of Lord Ganesha Here are the 12 main names of Lord Ganesh 1.Sumukha : "The very graceful Lord" 2.Ekadanta : "The Lord who has only one tusk" 3.Kapila : "The Lord of a tawny color" 4.Gajakarna : "The Lord with elephant ears" 5.Lambodara : "The Lord with a prominent belly" 6.Vikata : "The Misshapen" 7.Vighnanâsaka : "The Lord destroyer of obstacles" 8.Ganâdhipa : "The Lord Protector of the Gana" 9.Dhûmraketu : "The Lord of a smoky color" with two arms riding on a blue horse, Ruler of the Kali Yuga 10.Ganâdhyaksha : "The Minister of the Gana" 11.Bhâlachandra : "The Lord who wears the moon crescent on his head" 12.Gajânana : "The Lord with an elephant face".By: Lord Ganesha
•► Rockfort Ucchi Pillayar Ganesha Temple•► Rockfort or Ucchi Pillayar koil, is a combination of two famous 7th century Hindu temples, one dedicated to Lord Ganesh and the other dedicated to Lord Shiva, located a top of a small rock in Trichy, India. Geologically the 83m high rock is said to be one of the oldest in the world, dating over 3 billion years ago, and mythologically this rock is the place where Lord Ganesh ran from King Vibishana, after establishing the Ranganathaswamy deity in Srirangam.
By: Lord GaneshaPhotos: 5
12 Names of Lord Ganesha
Here are the 12 main names of Lord Ganesh
1.Sumukha : "The very graceful Lord"
2.Ekadanta : "The Lord who has only one tusk"
3.Kapila : "The Lord of a tawny color"
4.Gajakarna : "The Lord with elephant ears"
5.Lambodara : "The Lord with a prominent belly"
6.Vikata : "The Misshapen"
7.Vighnanâsaka : "The Lord destroyer of obstacles"
8.Ganâdhipa : "The Lord Protector of the Gana"
9.Dhûmraketu : "The Lord of a smoky color" with two arms riding on a
blue horse, Ruler of the Kali Yuga
10.Ganâdhyaksha : "The Minister of the Gana"
11.Bhâlachandra : "The Lord who wears the moon crescent on his head"
12.Gajânana : "The Lord with an elephant face".12 Names of Lord Ganesha Here are the 12 main names of Lord Ganesh 1.Sumukha : "The very graceful Lord" 2.Ekadanta : "The Lord who has only one tusk" 3.Kapila : "The Lord of a tawny color" 4.Gajakarna : "The Lord with elephant ears" 5.Lambodara : "The Lord with a prominent belly" 6.Vikata : "The Misshapen" 7.Vighnanâsaka : "The Lord destroyer of obstacles" 8.Ganâdhipa : "The Lord Protector of the Gana" 9.Dhûmraketu : "The Lord of a smoky color" with two arms riding on a blue horse, Ruler of the Kali Yuga 10.Ganâdhyaksha : "The Minister of the Gana" 11.Bhâlachandra : "The Lord who wears the moon crescent on his head" 12.Gajânana : "The Lord with an elephant face".By: Lord Ganesha
View and add your Ganesha photo collection now onhttp://www.jaishreeganesha.com/photos/photoalbum.aspx?aname= Ganesha_Artwork
By: Lord GaneshaPhotos: 11
•► View more Wallpapers of Lord Ganesha & add your Ganesha Wallpapers collection now on •►http://www.jaishreeganesha.com/wallpapers/wallpapers.aspx
By: Lord GaneshaPhotos: 10
In Maharashtra, there are eight temples dedicated to Ganesha, related to various episodes from the puranas and other legends - and these deities are collectively known as AshtaVinayak. Visit Jay Shree Ganesha.com to know more about AshtaVinayak..
•►Moti dungari ganesh Mandir-Jaipur Moti dungari ganesh Mandir was constructed with inspiration of mahant Shiva Narain by the seth Seth Jai Ram Paliwal who bore the expenses of construction of the temple. Temple was constructed by Lime stone and marble.Citizens of Jaipur city and outsiders visit the temple in big number. On every auspicious occasion, invitation is sent to Shri Ganesh Ji first of all. Lord Ganesh is the remover of all impediments and difficulties. He averts misfortunes and brings in good luck. People of Jaipur have strong faith in Moti dungari Ganesh Ji.By: Lord GaneshaPhotos: 3
भारत में गणेश उत्सव जोरशोर से मनाया जा रहा है. महाराष्ट्र में स्वाइन फ़्लू का प्रकोप है फिर भी उत्साह में कमी नहीं है.
Kanj Love ジャスミン गणपति बप्पा मोरिया
Roman(Eng) ગુજરાતી বাংগ্লা ଓଡ଼ିଆ ਗੁਰਮੁਖੀ తెలుగు தமிழ் ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം हिन्दी Via chitthajagat.in
●► Renuka was the daughter of the king Renu of Kubaj country and the wife of the sage Jamadagni. When the king Sahastrarjuna paid a visit to Jamadagni in his abode, he was taken by surprise by the hospitality of the sage. When asked about the same, the sage told him that it is all because of the Kamadhenu, i.e., cow that fulfils the desires of the owner given to him by Indra, the king of the Gods. Thinking that if the Kamadhenu was in his possession he would be able to maintain his vast army easily, the king Sahastrarjuna tried to seize the Kamadhenu from the sage by farce when his request to hand over the Kamadhenu to him was turned down by the sage. In the scuffle that ensued the sage died and his wife Renuka was injured due to 21 wounds she had received at the hands of the king. At this juncture many soldiers appeared on the scene from the body of the Kamadhenu by divine magic and farced the king to retreat. On coming to know of the above incident Parasuram, the son of Jamadagni who rushed there vowed to defeat and punish the king 21 times. His mother asked him to cremate his father. He carried his father and mother to Mahur and cremated his father there. His mother became a sati. The religious rites were conducted on this occasion by the God Sri Dattatreya himself. However, after everything was over Parasuram was stricken by grief and at this time a voice from the heavens told him that his mother would came out from the earth but he should not look behind. Being eager to see his mother, Parasuram just saw behind far a fraction of a second to find the mother's face aver the earth. The upper facet is the present upper facet of the Renukadevi. Renukadevi is adorned with various gold ornaments such as the golden flowers to be used as earrings, gold garlands (putal mal candrahar, jaymal, etc.), nose-ring (nath), etc. Travel By Air :- Nearest Airport is Nagpur, 200 kms By Road :- Mumbai - Ahmednagar - Paithan - Jalan - Washim - Pusad - Mahur, 717 kms. Mahurgad - Kinwat, 50 kms. By Rail :- The nearest railway station is Kinwat which is 50 KM away, but Nanded which is 126 KM. is the more convenient railway station on South Central railway. One can also get down at Vardha on Chennai – Delhi route and drive down via Yavatmal to Mahur , Travel distance aprox. 140 KM.
View and add your Ganesha photo collection now onhttp://www.jaishreeganesha.com/photos/photoalbum.aspx?aname=Lord_Ganesha
By:Lord Ganesha
Kanj Love ジャスミン ॐ गम गणपतये नमः
•► View more photo & add your Ganesha photo collection now on •► http://www.jaishreeganesha.com/photos/photoalbum.aspx?aname=Ganesha_Linework
By:Lord Ganesha
Ganesha and Parvati | Ganesha stories | Ganesha Symbolism | 32 Forms of God Ganesh | 108 Names of Go
Stories of Lord Ganesha- Ganesha and Parvati !
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