Child pornography is being openly sold on the footpaths of the city's busiest road, outraging both tourists and residents who said it would not be tolerated in any other country.
Kanj commented on his own link.
Kanj Love ジャスミン ประเทศไทยมัวแต่แก่งแย่งกันทางการเมืองไม่สิ้นสุด ทั้งทหารที่กลัวรัฐบาลไม่ให้งบถลุงเล่น เลยเกาะหลังบัลลังก์อย่างเหนียวแน่นไม่ยอมปล่อยมาตลอด 60 ปี และสถาบันพระมหากษัตริย์ ที่มีเรื่องราวและธรรมเนียมปฏิบัติที่ขัดกับหลักการแห่งการเคารพในศักดิ์ศรี แห่งความเป็นมนุษย์และการไม่เลือกปฏิบัติ แต่กลับไม่ยอมดูบทเรียนของราชบัลลังก์อื่...
กลุ่มแอ็คชั่นเพื่อประชาธิปไตยในประเทศไทย29 ตุลาคม 2553
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Kanj Love ジャスミン ข่าวเมื่อ 2 เดือนที่แล้วที่อเมริกา - Wat Buddha-Dhamma Meditation Center on the 8900 block of Kingery Highway in Willowbrook.
A Buddhist monk began serving a 30-day stint in jail Thursday after he was convicted of inappropriately touching an adult male attending temple services in Willowbrook.
Prince Harry Attends the Opening of the Lydiard Park Wootton Bassett Remembrance Field Pictures - Mo
We have added a new set of pictures from the event Prince Harry Attends the Opening of the Lydiard Park Wootton Bassett Remembrance Field.
Kanj Love ジャスミン The two-way ticket on the special Boeing 737-400 flight costs 500,000 Baht ($16,666, or R7 lakh) as against the normal $1,385 fare. The high profile entourage includes Thai ministers, businesspersons and ranking officials of state enterprises and the government. the flight's proceeds would be presented to King Bhumibol Adulyadej for Prince Maha's Scholarship Foundation and Prince Dipangkorn's Fund for Disaster Victims.
Thailand's Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will pilot a special Buddhist pilgrimage flight from Bangkok to Bodhgaya in Bihar this Saturday.
Kanj Love ジャスミン New Qatar Airways’ flights to Phuket from Doha
New Qatar Airways’ flights to Phuket from Doha
Bangkok - Foreign tourists keen on repeat visits to Thailand listed food and dining options as the main reason for their infatuation with the kingdom, a survey revealed Thursday.
Kanj Love ジャスミン BANGKOK - Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo announced here Wednesday that China will provide 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) in cash aid to flood-hit Thailand.
Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo announced here Wednesday that China will provide 10 million yuan in cash aid to flood-hit Thailand.
Bangkok - Bangkok plans to spend 16 billion baht (533 million dollars) to construct four giant drainage tunnels under the city to combat its perennial flooding problems, the capital s governor said Thursday.
Kanj Love ジャスミン - Thailand became the first country in the world to shut down 100,000 websites for containing “dangerous” material.
- Indonesia’s plan to filter web of “bad” content through its Multimedia Content Screening team
- Philippines last year which paved the way for the passage of an anti-voyeurism law. - In Cambodia, the government is proposing to establish a state-run exchange point to control all local internet service providers
Regulating internet content today is viewed as an anti-democratic practice but Southeast Asian governments seem able to justify it by invoking the need to save the young from the scourge of indecent sexual behavior.
Kanj Love ジャスミン These Royalists in Thai government are those committing lèse majesté by using our King without his consent to support their own agenda. Their agenda is perpetual power.
David Streckfuss, a human rights expert on political and cultural history, finds that the heart of the longstanding and ongoing lèse majesté debate rests in the country’s defamation law. This truism concerns not only academics who are constrained from speaking freely but also ordinary citizens.
Kanj Love ジャスミン ความจริงที่น่าภาคภูมืใจเป็นยิ่งนัก กับการปิดกั้นสิทธิเสรีภาพทางการสื่้อสาร และ เสรีภาพทางความคิด ไม่ได้ต่างอะไรไปจากประเทศหลังเขาแต่อย่างใด
Conservative, Royalist Manager media network published the first govt announcement of further Internet censorship since July. Buried in Manager’s propaganda, we learn that the new Army commander has signed a memorandum of understanding with the ICT minister and the ministers of justice and culture.
SINCE 2006, when the armed forces ousted the then prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand’s constitutional court has dissolved two popular pro-Thaksin parties and disqualified hundreds of his allies. Now it may be the turn of the ruling Democrat Party, which is accused of campaign-finance fraud
Kanj Love ジャスミン 127 deaths are mainly from the northern and northeastern regions, and 58 people died in the south.
The death toll from flooding in Thailand now stands at 185, the government said Wednesday.
Kanj Love ジャスミン The Tongan Monarch has traditionally wielded enormous political power, but the Tongan system is officially a constitutional monarchy.
Tongan officials are irritated when people from outside the country describe the system as "feudal". -- ศัีกดินา --
The South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga goes to the polls on November 25, to elect a parliament in which the majority of MPs will, for the first time, be elected by the people.
Kanj Love ジャスミン AP
Montenegro, responding to a request from the European Union, has suspended its plan to grant citizenship to wealthy businessmen who invest in the country, Montenegro had said previously that anyone who invested more than 500,000 euros ($A693,600) in the republic could apply for citizenship.
Kanj Love ジャスミン ข่าวใหญ่ทั้วโลกในขณะนี่่ - There are reports from Burma that release papers for Aung San Suu Kyi have been signed by the country's military government and to be freed within hours:
People are gathering at the National League for Democracy headquarters in Rangoon amid rumours that detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi will soon be released.
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